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NPI Non-Profit Intelligence Podcast

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Welcome to Non-Profit Intelligence, a Podcast for charities who want to develop a High Performance workplace for the fund development team.

Call it what you may, but whoever is responsible for fund development has an important role to play today and as well as providing the basis for future growth when they move on.

Our purpose is to identify areas which can easily be modified to remove speed bumps to productivity while mitigating the RISK to the charity through the lack of work practices which leave most charities with nothing more than a huge black hole when it comes to developing donor relationships.

Good intentions are not enough nor is hope a viable strategy in today's competitive world.

Join us, as we discuss ways which are easy to adopt and even easier to maintain. Give your staff a stress-free working environment and improved productivity as you move from struggle to sustainable.

We offer 30 years of expertise working one-on-one with our charity clients. 

We are the author of From Chaos to Control Build a High Performance Team Using Knowledge Management.


Introduction to NPI 


To Train or Not to Train


Batsch Group Inc

Contact us at:  PodCast

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